CONSTRUCTIONThe construction of architectural objects is the main activity of the "BAUTECH" company. For more than 10 years, our company has been providing high-quality construction services for capital construction, reconstruction of existing buildings and structures, capital repair and restoration of architectural objects. The high qualification of the company's personnel and material and technical equipment allows us to act in construction projects as not only a subcontractor at individual stages of work, but also as a general contractor.

Our specialists will perform a full cycle of work for you - from earthworks to putting the object into operation, creatively approach the solution of the most non-standard construction tasks.

Also, our specialists can analyze the documentation available to the Customer on the facility and provide suggestions for optimizing project solutions in order to reduce the cost of building the facility.

Adherence to deadlines and commitments is an invariable attribute of our interaction with customers.

Promptness, control of the quality of work and materials at all stages of work, responsibility in solving any issues, including the most complex ones that require non-standard solutions, allow us to create a high-quality construction product.

Residential real estate Commercial real estate Designing Reconstruction Frame building
Residential real estate

One of the directions of our company's activity is the construction of private residential buildings, cottages and cottages "on a turnkey basis", and of various categories of complexity, in a wide variety of architectural forms and styles. The specialists of our company have many years of experience in this field and will help you implement the most daring ideas and extraordinary wishes when building your own house, whether it is a country cottage, a private residential building or an elite mansion.

We offer complex and well-thought-out solutions for building a house, aimed primarily at effective investment of funds, using only high-quality and durable materials and the use of energy-saving technologies.

We perform the entire complex of works, starting from the design project of the future house and design works, ending with commissioning. To obtain the final construction product, our company is ready to perform the following works for you:

- development of individual design project and architectural project;
- earthworks and foundation works;
- construction and installation works on building the "box" of the house;
- roofing works;
- works on effective insulation of the house;
- installation of building engineering systems (electricity, water supply, sewerage, security, alarm and video control systems);
- Facade works;
- Full range of interior finishing works;
- development of the land plot landscape design project;
- works on landscape design and greening of the land plot.

Commercial real estate

Construction of commercial (non-residential) real estate is another branch of construction in which our company has accumulated rich experience in a wide variety of business projects.

This type of real estate includes objects of various purposes. These can be shopping and entertainment complexes, office buildings, business centers, as well as warehouses, hotels, sports complexes, shops, etc.

Our company offers comprehensive services in the field of construction of modern commercial real estate that meets all requirements.

During the construction and design of commercial real estate, we take into account all the features of the construction of commercial real estate objects, the wishes of the Customer, we take into account the specifics and purpose of each specific building, we take into account the need for an organic combination of buildings under construction and structures with the surrounding landscape and infrastructure.

The use of modern building construction technologies and the many years of experience of the employees of the "BAUTECH" company make it possible to implement any business project under favorable conditions for the Customer, using his funds and resources wisely, which provides the Customer with the maximum efficiency of investing in a commercial real estate object .

During the construction of commercial real estate, our company pays special attention to the installation of engineering systems of the object, which ensure not only uninterrupted power supply of the object with electricity, heat and water, but also rational and economical use, which is also very important from the point of view of the efficiency of investing in business -project.

In the process of construction of objects, we use the latest fire-safe building materials, including facade finishing materials, progressive energy-efficient technologies, which guarantees the high quality of the objects constructed by us, and the most rational use of the Customer's investments.

Our company has the appropriate experience, the necessary intellectual and technical base for the implementation of construction projects of any complexity category, including the construction of:

- shopping and entertainment complexes;
- hotels, apartment complexes;
- administrative and office buildings and business centers;
- warehouse and logistics complexes.


The "BAUTECH" company also provides services in the field of engineering, design and construction of buildings and structures of various purposes and categories of complexity.

The importance of such a stage as design is very difficult to overestimate. Not only how satisfied the future owner of the object will be, but also the success of the construction project in general depends on the work of specialists at this stage.

We are ready for you to perform works on the design of objects of any complexity category and any functional purpose - from a country house, a country house or an elite mansion to a large shopping center or business center.

When performing design work, we focus not only on the latest trends in engineering and construction thought, but also on the individual requirements of the Customers, requirements for ergonomics, functionality, safety and environmental friendliness of the designed objects.

When designing the construction of buildings, we take into account absolutely all aspects of the task before us - the location, features of the infrastructure, topography, building density and the location of the building site, proximity of communications, etc. As a result of such a complex approach to design, your house, regardless of whether it is an elite mansion or a suburban country house, will organically fit into the surrounding buildings, and will also be equipped with all the necessary amenities and communications.

We also pay special attention to the design of engineering networks. "BAUTECH" company carries out a full range of works on the design of internal engineering networks for residential and industrial premises, including ventilation, air conditioning, power supply and heating systems.

Correctly designed and subsequently installed ventilation is very important for buildings of any purpose, a residential building or a warehouse. Mistakes in the design of air conditioning and ventilation can lead to high humidity and dampness, as a result of which the process of flowering can begin. Mistakes in heating design can also contribute to mold and can significantly increase building operating costs.

Therefore, we pay special attention when performing complex design of buildings and structures, design of heating, ventilation and heating.

In any design and construction of buildings, we try to balance both the requirements for the functionality of the building and its design and appearance.


Reconstruction of buildings and structures is considered one of the main ways to solve the problem of modernization of real estate objects. The purpose of this event is to improve the technical, operational and aesthetic qualities of the building or structure to meet modern requirements, norms and wishes of the Customer. At the same time, the reconstruction of the object requires significantly less financial investments and investments than a new construction. At the same time, it is worth noting that this is equally relevant both for residential buildings and for industrial and administrative buildings and structures. In addition, modernization is also necessary if the object changes its functional purpose. In this case, the reconstruction will allow to change the architectural appearance of the real estate object and its layout in accordance with its new functional purpose.

Often, the task of building reconstruction is the need to preserve the historical appearance. At the same time, as a rule, the building being reconstructed is located in the historical part of the city and its age can be several centuries. Therefore, the reconstruction of such a building can only be approached with extensive experience in similar works.

Over the years, our company has accumulated a wealth of successful experience in the reconstruction of a wide variety of objects, both in terms of complexity and purpose, be it residential buildings or administrative and industrial buildings..

The "BAUTECH" company is ready to provide you with a full range of services related to the reconstruction of buildings and structures, including:

- reorganization and conversion of internal premises of buildings and structures;
construction and installation works aimed at changing the usable area of ​​a house, building, structure (building additions, superstructure of floors, construction and reconstruction of attic floors);
- extension of the plinth;
- strengthening of all supporting structures;
- reconstruction of brickwork, tightening of facade cracks;
- reconstruction of premises with partial or complete replacement of floors;
- replacement of all communications, installation and commissioning;
- installation of ventilation and air conditioning systems;
- increasing the electrical capacity of the building;
- design and installation of ventilated facade systems.

Frame building

The company "BAUTECH" is one of the first in Ukraine, which began to widely apply the technology of frame construction in the construction of new objects and reconstruction of existing buildings and structures. And for a long time of its use in its activities, the company was able to form a team of professionals capable of quickly and efficiently solving any construction tasks. Therefore, we can safely say that we are not only one of the pioneers of frame construction technology in the construction services market of Ukraine, but also one of the leaders in the industry in Ukraine.

Construction based on the technology of light steel thin-walled structures is a frame technology that allows building houses in a short period of time. The technology consists in the use of panels made of light steel perforated galvanized and non-perforated profiles that form the metal frame of the building.

The basis of the building is a metal frame of various types, which is then insulated and sheathed. This technology makes it possible to build both residential frame houses and office and administrative buildings. Another indisputable advantage of this technology is that, most often, this technology is the only solution to the issue of reconstruction of buildings and structures that have foundations with low bearing capacity. This is especially relevant in the case of reconstruction of old buildings that are more than 30-40 years old, and the density of buildings does not allow to fully carry out work on strengthening the foundations with the help of heavy equipment.

The significant advantages of this construction technology include:

- Affordable price.
- Effective energy saving. The use of high-quality thermal insulation in walls and ceilings allows you to significantly reduce energy costs, which is especially relevant in light of constant tariff increases.
- Short construction terms.
- All-season installation.
- Wide architectural possibilities and areas of application.
- Reliability and durability. The service life of the metal frame is at least 100 years.
- Low weight of structures. This advantage allows you to reduce the costs of foundations, and therefore frame construction in general, to expand the possibilities of construction on unstable soils, to use this system in the reconstruction of buildings, to carry out frame construction in conditions of dense urban development without the use of heavy lifting equipment.
- Fire resistance.
- Environmental friendliness. Minimal damage to the environment is caused during construction. With direct production and construction, a minimal amount of materials goes into non-recyclable waste, and the construction site remains clean during the construction process.
- High accuracy. The accuracy of the dimensions in the produced profiles entails the correctness of the dimensions of the internal walls, partitions and ceilings, and completely excludes further work on leveling the walls.
- Investment attractiveness. Low cost and quick return on investment make frame construction an attractive and profitable investment. Frame technology allows for frame construction of significant volumes by small teams without significant investments.
The "BAUTECH" company is pleased to offer you a full range of services for fast-erecting frame construction of any objects of civil purpose (private residential buildings, cottages, cottages), as well as industrial and commercial purposes (administrative buildings, business centers, shopping complexes, warehouse and logistics centers, workshops, etc.).